What We Do

The committee and our constitution

The Northumberland Bat Group constitution states:
7. Executive Committee
7.1. The executive committee shall comprise of at least a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Records Officer. Equipment Officer, Members Secretary, Social Secretary, Website Manager, are also posts currently needed by NBG and all are elected by one vote per member at the AGM.
7.2. Nominations for the posts should be made to the secretary not less than 2 weeks before the AGM supported by a proposer and a seconder (who are current members of NBG and who have been members for 12 months or more). Voting result shall be determined by a majority show of hands.
7.3. In addition the executive committee may co-opt additional members as non-voting members of the committee, usually the Trainers. Sub committees will be led by a member of the executive committee and will have a minimum of three members. The sub-committee will report to the executive committee.
7.4. A quorum for a committee meeting shall be five members. The nominations in writing are to be in at least fourteen days before the AGM.
7.5. Committee meetings will be called with at least 30 days’ notice, where possible.

The Committee 2025

The table below shows all of the committee positions and who is the current occupant of that position. If you are interested in taking up a position at the Next AGM, then please let the secretary know, 15 days prior to the AGM. You can use the CONTACT-US form to do this if you don’t have and email address for the current Secretary.

Position Current OfficerPosition description
Chairperson Nicola FaulksThe Chair calls the committee meetings, generally every few months. The Chair has an oversight on what goes on in the group and as a result produces the annual Chairperson report at the AGM.
Vice ChairpersonMark OsborneThe Vice Chair supports the Chairperson and may have to chair meetings when required.
TreasurerSiobhan BaileyThis is an important position as it involves keeping a handle on the group's finances, be this incoming moneys from data handling and grants, or moneys going out to buy equipment, donations or mileage for bat care. The treasurer provides a report of the groups financial details at the AGM, but also for each interim committee meeting.
SecretaryNicola FaulksThe secretary takes the minutes at each committee meeting and the AGM, then issues them out to the committee and membership if required. The secretary also manages the membership, sending out emails with group and BCT information; as well as dealing with email queries which come in through the website.
Records OfficerIan ThomasThe Records Officer role has recently changed. The role used to involve undertaking all of the data searches requested by consultants and other groups, but now the role is mostly about collating data, keeping the data base up to date and providing updates to ERIC NE. The records officer also can do data analysis for the group, so bat walks and other surveys can be targeted to areas where limited data is currently available.
Social SecretaryThis position is vacantHopefully as covid gets under control we can once again become more social, have some get togethers and share stories. The Social Sec is the person who organises such events.
Website ManagerAlex Mays/ Nicola FaulksThe website needs constant updating, not just the events page, but the blog too. The Website Manager is the person that does this.
Kit OfficerNicola FaulksAs a group we have a set of hand held detectors and some static bat detectors, as well as a couple of harp traps. All of the kit needs to be kept in working condition and accounted for.
TrainerTina Wiffen and
Sam Talbot
A trainer is someone who is dedicated to bat conservation and has been certified by the Bat Conservation Trust to train bat group members to undertake Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor (VBRV) visits, and also bat care. There isn't a limit on the number of trainers in a group, hopefully we can add another name to this list soon!
General MemberDeclan Ghee and Mandy RackhamWe always welcome general members, people who can attend meetings and generally help out with projects and events.
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