Northumberland Nathusius' Pipistrelle Project
This is part of a national project to find out more information on this migratory bat which has taken up residence, coming in via the north sea. The project has been ongoing for a few years now and has yielded some great results, especially through the determination of volunteers, as well as the use of radio tracking.
Results have included videos of a mating roost, evidence of breeding and also the recapture of certain ringed individuals. While these bats have a reputation for being migratory, some appear to hang around, possibly with with the male bats staying to maintain mating sites and the female bats migrating past. Lecking males have been observed in Northumberland, and so too have lactating females and pregnant female bats.

National Bat Monitoring Programme - Hibernation Surveys
Bats are seen regularly in the summer and easily surveyed. But where do they go to hibernate? What conditions do they prefer and what influence does the weather / humidity etc have on their location choice?
Members have been visiting some sites in the county to monitor known roosts and check out potential new ones. All surveys are lead by a suitably licensed bat surveyor, so please ask if you are interested in coming on one of these surveys.
For more information about the hibernation surveys you can have a look at the Events page. The surveys are often over subscribed, so do be patient if you don’t get on the first one you apply for!

Gosforth Park Bat Boxes
A range of different boxes have been placed up in trees around Gosforth Park. They are being monitored and all of the statistics analysed, so that we can learn more about which type of boxes bats prefer, or if particular species perfer a specific type of bat box. In addition to this the boxes face different aspects (north, east, south, west); at certain times of year, it seems that bats may prefer facing certain directions.
Gosforth Park is a great place for bats, the mature trees are perfect for a range of species. We also have the NBG flight cage here too, so we can test fly bats before releasing them back into the wild.